Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Random ramblings from a Cosmic Citizen

Life does not have to be is a wondrous journey that we all take and we all share..we are all one..religion has taught us that we are separate from God,but that has never been the case..we are ALL connected to source,no matter what our personal beliefs are(or aren't)..Atheists are not people to be feared,or ridiculed,or vilified..they choose not to believe in a higher power,and that to me is fine..there have been Atheists that have committed horrible crimes against humanity,but,there have been countless more who are of other faiths that have also done horrible things to their fellow man..the source believes in them even if they don't believe in the source :D
No one is ever alone,even though they may feel that may not have friends,or family,but you are NEVER have source/the universe/God/Allah/The Great Spirit/Goddess whatever one wishes to call it..if one quiets the mind and goes within,they can connect to Spirit..they can ask a question to anything,and they will receive the answer..

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